Thursday, January 6, 2011

Efficiency Expert ???

I realized today that in the next two months, I must become an efficiency expert. Not that up to this point I was inefficient but I have some work to do as I sit here and write this past midnight after I balanced my check book/ family budget, cleaned up the kitchen and Emily’s toys.

Up to this point I had a pretty good system, working efficiently at my job so I get my work done, go home take care of my family, make sure food is cooked on a fairly regular basis, the house looks decent, bills paid on time, all expenses recorded in excel monthly, etc. I attend all the monthly appointments like the visit to OB, growth ultrasound and echocardiogram. NOW, I must add to this list a bi weekly visit to the doc and clinic for non stress test monitoring of the baby as well as finalize everything at work before my maternity.  It’s all doable, but like I said, one will have to be an efficient machine to do all this in the span of the measly 168 hours in the week. J

I guess this pre baby craziness in my schedule will only prepare me for what is to come once the baby is born, has his surgery and then hopefully comes home with a strict regimen of feeding, meds and more appointments, not to mention taking care of Emily and all her needs as well.  Ohh and my husband, can’t kick him to the curb either.

My biggest problem is that I am a control freak, and I needed to do everything myself up to this point, that’s probably why my schedule gets so hectic. Speaking in work terms, I need to leverage down, which includes asking for help of my family and friends.

So the next few weeks before this baby comes will be interesting but mostly under my control, however after that as all heart moms tell you, you can’t plan much and go with the punches and pray for the best.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dear Family and Friends...

Dear family and friends who are learning about our situation from the blog... please don’t feel left out or offended for what looks like an impersonal approach to the situation. To learn about the journey we are about to embark please read from the beginning.

Only a small group of people knew until now. I did not mention specifically because it is hard to discuss with everyone individually. Every time I must explain to someone this entire ordeal I sort of break down, can you blame me. If you want to talk or get more information from me feel free to call me. I am now ready to talk about it. You would have found out anyways after our baby was be born since you won’t be able to visit us at home like you did with Emily. We will likely be in the hospital for a good 4-6 weeks if everything goes great. I would rather have you find out this way than to get the wrong facts from word of mouth.